On Sunday, December 19, 2021, our church celebrated Bro Lesters 50th year of service to our church, His Lord and our community. It was a very special day full of worship, fellowship and thanksgiving unto God for His Grace toward us all. It was a “Celebration of God’s Grace.”
Bro Lester was presented with this plaque marking the occasion.
At this link are a few photos of the day’s activities.
This link is a video in tribute to him for his 40th year pastorate celebration. https://ccofstarke.com/Site/40th.mov
Lester Austin, son of Eugene and Avie Austin, surrendered to preach in August of 1970 at Highland Baptist Church under the pastorate of Bro. Raymond Caudill. Bro. Lester, his wife Louise, and their daughters, Annette, Pam, and Kim, came to Laura in July of 1971, when members of the church extended the call for him to be pastor. Bro. Lester accepted the call of pastor of our church on December 29,1971. The Austin’s last daughter, Becky, was born during Bro. Lester’s third year as pastor. Bro. Lester and Sister Louise have been married since October 17, 1963.
If you would like to send Bro. Lester an email, send it to
brolester @ ccofstarke.com
It will be printed and delivered to him.